Tibetan Buddhism Study Ngöndro25

Join us in exploring Patrul Rinpoche's timeless classic, "The Words of My Perfect Teacher," guided by Khenpo Sodargye's comprehensive teachings. This course delves into the Longchen Nyingtik Ngöndro, a foundational practice of the Great Perfection (Dzogchen) tradition of Longchenpa (1308-1363), and its accompanying meditation sessions. The entire course has 144 lectures by Khenpo Sodargye.

Introduction to the reading transmission of” Illuminating the Path to Liberation: A Preliminary Practice (Ngöndro)” and "The Thirty-Seven Practices of Bodhisattvas" 

Longchen Nyingtik Ngöndro Lessons playlist link


We have uploaded 10 lessons in the shared playlist. In the description of each lesson you can find some questions for reflection. We will discuss these questions in our Zoom meetings. 

Lesson 5      

Lesson 6

1. What are the five stages in the process of practicing Buddhism? What are their respective characteristics? Please explain each of them with an analogy.
2. Among the many conducts of listening to Dharma, which one touches you the most? Why?  Please explain with actual examples.
3. In general, what does it mean to follow a guru? Why? What are your experiences in this regard? How do you feel now?
4. Describe the three kinds of faults of listening to Dharma with an analogy. If you listen to Dharma with afflictions or bad motives, what will happen? What is your final conclusion?

Ngöndro Discussion Session 1

Ngöndro Discussion Session 2

Shared Content

Please find the teaching content text from lesson 1 to 19 at: WOMPTBook_1.pdf.

Larung Daily Chant book can be found in Further Reference folder.

Jan 2025 Schedule


Topic: 2025 1.3 Zoom Discussion Session (Zone B)

Time: Feb 15, 2025 3:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 894 8383 2710

Passcode: 1111